Sigma Male – What Are The Key Traits Of This Personality Type?

What is a sigma male? How do you identify them?

SIGMA MALE – Who are they? What are their key traits? How can you say that someone who is a male has this type of personality?

They say there’s a rise of sigma males in recent times but before confirming this, what are they and what are their key traits?

If an alpha male is “the head of the pack”, they say the sigmas are the “one-man pack”. He is a lone wolf and not involved in traditional hierarchical norms. Historically, they are the wolves that separate from their packs but over time, it became a metaphorical term for human behavior such as the sigma.

In movies and books, they are often the ones who are strong and the silent type. They are independent, self-reliant, and have a penchant for solitude. As the new-age lone wolf, they are often romanticized but simply put, this archetype just prefers to be alone than be with a group of people. Some may think they are antisocial or emotionally detached but others actually think of them as independent.

According to Dr. Edmond Hakimi, a board-certified internal medicine physician and medical director at Wellbridge, a male of this type of personality has a strong sense of independence, self-confidence, and the ability to think critically and strategically. 

The traits:

  1. They are independent and self-reliant. They rely on themselves and would prefer this than rely and seek help from other people which includes their family and friends.
  2. They want to be alone for solitude. They are at peace by their own company.
  3. They know who they are and they know what they want, hence, their strong sense of self. They have this clear vision of their goals.
  4. They detach from social norms. They don’t conform to societal expectations. They are authentic and unapologetically themselves.
  5. They need minimum approval when it comes to the choices they make.

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