PALITAW: Things You Need to Know About This Delicious Kakanin

PALITAW – Here are some important things that you need to know about this delicious kakanin in the Philippines.

Palitaw is a popular Filipino rice cake, or “kakanin,” known for its soft, chewy texture. This delightful snack is easy to make and is loved by both kids and adults. This simple but tasty treat has been a staple in Filipino households for generations.

It’s usually served as a snack or dessert, and its name comes from the Filipino word “litaw,” meaning “to float,” which describes how the cakes rise to the surface when boiled.



This rice cake has its roots in the rich culinary history of the Philippines, particularly from the province of Pangasinan. Made from glutinous rice, it’s a traditional treat that has evolved with modern times.

In the past, rice was manually pounded to create the flour, but today, glutinous rice flour is readily available, making the preparation much easier.

This sweet rice cake’s simplicity and combination of textures and flavors set it apart from other kakanins. The chewy rice cake is coated with grated coconut and sprinkled with a mix of sugar and toasted sesame seeds, giving it a delicious sweet and nutty flavor.



  • Glutinous rice flour
  • Water
  • Grated coconut
  • Sugar
  • Toasted sesame seeds

How to Cook

  • Mix the glutinous rice flour with water to form a dough.
  • Shape the dough into small, flat pieces.
  • Boil water and drop the dough in. Once they float, they’re done!
  • Roll the rice cakes in grated coconut and sprinkle them with sugar and toasted sesame seeds.

There are also modern twists on Palitaw, with some adding chocolate or fruits for extra flavor. Despite these changes, the traditional recipe remains a favorite. Whether for a family gathering or a simple merienda, it is a treat worth enjoying.

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