Faster Phone Charging: Here Are The Tips You Should Know

What you need to do to have Faster Phone Charging

Faster Phone Charging – Here are the things you should know to make your phone or mobile device charge faster.

There are ways that you can do in order to shorten your charging time, especially when you are a heavy user of this device. Here are some tips that you can follow.

faster phone charging
Inc Magazine

Switching your phone to airplane mode, low power, or turning it off

Activating the airplane mode means that you are disabling Wi-Fi, cellular, and Bluetooth, based on the article in Reader’s Digest. With this, your battery is not draining quickly as it is focused on charging. You will not be able to receive texts or search online while your airplane mode is on but this will limit your battery use as your phone won’t be constantly searching for connections.

Another option is to turn on the low-power mode, the power-saving mode, or the battery-saver mode. If you want to completely avoid paying attention to your phone while it is charging, you can turn it off.

Closing the apps you are not using

Among the draining factors of your phone battery are the applications that you are using that may be running in the background and sending you updates and notifications. These can cause your phone to heat up and use more power.

Plugging the charger into a wall socket

You can charge your phone using other devices like laptops or portable chargers such as power banks but a wall outlet will usually charge your phone fastest.

Using a powerful adapter

Having a high-power adapter that works faster than the charger that comes with your phone can be helpful in charging your phone faster.

Avoid exposing your phone to extreme weather

Extreme heat and cold can damage your battery capacity. These factors can also make the charging slow.

Another tip that you should remember is to take your phone out of the case and always clean the charging port.

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