Extrovert Personality – Signs and Traits Of This Personality

People are varied and you can say that one has an extrovert personality through these signs.

EXTROVERT PERSONALITY – What we often know about them is that they being around other people but here are some more signs of this personality.

Do you like socializing? Do you enjoy being around other people? Do you feel happy in knowing that you will meet other people? If you have these traits, you must have an extrovert personality. According to the concept, extroversion is when you have this pattern of expressive and outgoing behavior.

Renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology who coined introversion and extroversion, explained that being an extrovert is more than being the life of the party and having an introvert personality is more than just being shy around other people. 

According to Jung, extroversion is characterized as a “people person”. They enjoy group settings.

Some signs of extroverts:

  • Like working in groups 
  • Enjoy trying new things 
  • Tend to be described as energetic 
  • Prefer talking through problems
  • Make friends easily 
  • Can be impulsive 

Since extroversion is being more than just the life of the party, there are several ways and traits that will tell if you lean on being more extroverted or introverted.

Some traits:

  1. You’re inspired after spending time with others. You gain energy by making social interactions.
  2. Being alone for a long time drains your energy easily.
  3. You are thriving being the center of attention. You still find comfort amid unfamiliar situations.
  4. You can easily strike up a conversation even with total strangers. This brings you joy.
  5. Speaking helps you explore and organize your thoughts.
  6. You are often the leader of group outings and other social events. You rarely turn down invitations to a gathering.
  7. Adaptability is your strength.

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