Air Conditioning: Before AC, How People Kept Cool?

People had these ways in the past to cool themselves before air conditioning was invented

Prior to the invention of air conditioning, here are the things that people did in order to fight the heat, especially during the summer season.

Fan Chairs

John Cram invented a cooling device in the 1780s. Based on the article in Mental Floss, this machine was operated by feet and would make the fan above the head move. This is the same as how much to power an old sewing machine.

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Mental Floss

Sleeping Porches

Screened-in porches were cool areas to slumber while people had access to fresh air. This became popular during the 20th century.


Canvas Awnings

Awnings provided shade that is important for keeping the heat of the sun out of the house or building. New colors and patterns were introduced in the latter part of the 19th century.

Mental Floss

DogTrot Homes

Dogtrot log cabins became popular in 19th-century Appalachia. Often-hot kitchens were separated by a wind-swept breezeway from the sleeping area of a home. With this, there is a cool area where people can relax.

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Punkahs are hand-operated ceiling fans that originated in colonial India. Poor seasonal workers pulled the cord that swept a piece of fabric back and forth across a room for rich people.

Amazing Planet

Drinking Buttermilk

This is a popular refreshment in the late-19th and early 20th century in North America that came from the Indian subcontinent.

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Serious Eats

Crocker-Wheeler Electric Fan

This was the cooling system commonly used in theaters from the 1880s to 1890s. This machine brought outside air in and passed it over subterranean vaults filled with ice. The air is expelled through registers on the floor.

Mental Floss

Sash Windows

Victorians introduced the sash windows to cool down a room. This was an effective way to keep their houses cool before the intention of air conditioning. The window can be opened from both the top and bottom.

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Northwich Glass

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