Coins On Gravestone: What’s The Meaning Behind This?

Here is the reason why you should not touch the Coins On Gravestone

Coins On Gravestone – Have you ever wondered why visitors would leave a coin on a gravestone and the reason why it should not be touched?

It is a common scenario that visitors would leave flowers in a graveyard. There would also be candles, photos, or something that was memorable for the deceased. However, there are instances in which visitors would leave coins.

Based on the article in Reader’s Digest, a gravestone with coins on it means that the person buried was a member of the military. It is a way for people to express their pride in a loved one who is no longer with them.

coins on gravestone
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Seeing the coins, when the loved ones come to the cemetery, they will know that people visited the deceased service member. This may be a simple gesture for others but could mean a lot to the family. This is the reason why this has become a special tradition.

It is also note-worthy that different kinds of coins are placed on gravestones. Different coins have different meanings. A penny means that the person who visited showed an act of gratitude for the person’s service. Anyone can leave a penny such as a family member, friend, or fellow service person.

A nickel on the gravestone means that the visitor who left it went to boot camp with the person buried while the dime signifies that the visitor served with the deceased military member.

When a quarter was left on the gravestone means quite a heavy connection. It signifies that the visitor was present when the soldier passed away.

Next time you see coins on a gravestone most likely you will have a different perspective of this tradition because it holds a deeper meaning.

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