Disturbing Facts About Animals – Terrifying Truths About Them

Here are some disturbing facts about animals you probably don’t know yet.

DISTURBING FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS – From poisonous frogs to marine creatures with deadly stings, here are some terrifying facts about these creatures.

In the world, there are about 8.7 million species, 89% of which are animals. The Earth is filled with amazing creatures such as animals. They are magnificent – some are awesome and adorable while some are terrifying and weird.

Want to know some mindblowing facts about some of them?

Not everything is known about them but most are fascinating. From silent jellyfish that can sting you to death to the most prominent birds that kick hard enough to end a human life, here are some more mindblowing facts you probably don’t know yet.

Disturbing Facts About Animals
  • Phyllobates terribilis or the golden poison dart frog is just the size of a paper clip but a single touch can from this animal can ultimately kill you. This is because of the lethal toxin that is covering its skin. This toxin can make the nerves and muscles inactive. A single milligram of the poison can kill 10-20 humans.
Golden Poison Frog
Photo from National Geographic
  • Syncerus caffer or Cape buffaloes which are nicknamed “Black Death”. They have this unpredictable nature which makes them seriously dangerous. On top of it is their strength and robustness that can knock out anyone instantly.
  • Phrynosoma or horned lizards can spit blood from their eyes. Freaky enough but this is their defense mechanism against potential predators.
  • Suricata suricatta or meerkat is a tiny creature whose family dynamics are pretty crazy. A dominant female meerkat kills the offspring of not her own and this gives her own offspring a better chance to survive.
Photo from National Geographic Kids
  • Chironex fleckeri or the box jellyfish is actually very common in Australia. But what makes this marine creature really dangerous? It’s the sting that can cause cardiac arrest. In 2014, famous Filipina actress Anne Curtis was stung by a box jellyfish during the taping of her series. She suffered injuries and fortunately, she was able to get past this life-threatening situation.
  • Conus gloriamaris or corn snail is pretty adorable when you first heard of it but not until you know what can possibly happen to you if you mistakenly step on it. They have the world’s most painful and fatal ‘stings’. Their harpoons can lead to muscle paralysis and respiratory failure. They are nicknamed ‘cigarette snail’ because it would only take victims to smoke a single stick before meeting death.
Corn Snail
Photo from Divers Alert Network
  • Sea otters are everything cute and adorable but they can become really aggressive especially when mating. They are serial harassers as male otters, while mating, can get really aggressive as they grab and bite their partners.
  • Cymothoa exigua or the tongue-eating louse is a parasite that can be found in fish. This sinister-looking parasite eats and replaces the tongue of the fish.

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