Internet Etiquette: How You Should Behave Online

Here are the guidelines for Internet Etiquette

Internet Etiquette – There are certain ways how you should behave online, the appropriate thing to do while using the internet and this is also called “netiquette.”

In this modern era, the internet has become a vital part of many people’s lives. There are a lot of things you can do online like sharing information, connecting with other people, and learning new things about anything and almost everything under the sun.

However, wars can also happen in the online community. Misinformation can also happen and the spread of fake news is rampant. Based on the article in Reader’s Digest, there is a guideline on how a person should behave online.

internet etiquette
South China Morning Post

Don’t post your children’s photos

Jennifer Zhu Scott, a technology executive and mom of two shared that for her, parents should not share the pictures of their children online. She explained that once photos are shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, these no longer belong to the uploader. It can also be downloaded and used without your knowledge. Zhu Scott added that you should let your children what to share online when they grow up.

Watch your words

Disrespectful language can create chaos online. It is advisable to refrain from name-calling, cursing, and using offensive words whether it is in your post or chat rooms.

Be aware of your privacy

“Privacy is freedom. It’s always easier to share than to take information back, so think twice before you share,” Zhu Scott said. Aside from keeping an eye on your online security, you should also be aware of the artificial intelligence that is widely used now.

Fact check

Before believing or reposting anything online, be sure to fact-check first. This way you are stopping the chain of misinformation.

Debate but be kind

You can stress your point on a certain topic without garnering hate reactions from others because of your harsh words.

Take it offline

If you offended someone with what you posted online, especially those who are close to you, you should take it offline. Talk privately or in person. This way, the issue could not be heated up by others.

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