Interview Tips – How To Ace This?

Here are some interview tips that will help you leave a good impression.

INTERVIEW TIPS – When you are invited for a job interview, being prepared is important, and here are some other tips.

Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for their job interview. Why? To leave a good impression and to likely be the one to be chosen for the position. The good thing is that interview skills are learned, however, unfortunately, there are no second chances when making a good impression.

Your poise, attitude, basic social skills, and ability to communicate will be evaluated and will make an impact. In an interview, you and the interviewer must engage in a conversation – through this, it will be determined if you are matched for the job. Preparation is the key.

Here are some tips:

  1. Be on time or arrive 10-15 minutes early.
  2. Set aside time to do some research about the company and interviewer.
  3. Practice your interview answers. (Tips: Be ready to discuss your salary expectations and prepare some questions to ask your interviewer.)
  4. Reread the job description and note the specific skills the employer is looking for.
  5. Use the STAR method when answering questions – Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
  6. Be prepared with examples of your work where you have shown your skills that gained success.
  7. Plan your attire. It is appropriate to wear something formal or ask about the dress code in the workplace and choose your outfit accordingly. 
  8. Put attention to details like shining your shoes, making sure your nails are clean and tidy, and making sure your clothes are neat and free of holes, stains, pet hair, and loose threads. 
  9. Tell the truth. There’s nothing you can get in lying and exaggerating things.
  10. Listen carefully to the interviewer.
  11. Watch your grammar.
  12. Loyalty is a big thing. Don’t slight someone or your previous job.

If you wan to know more, here are some Do’s and Don’ts Before, During & After the Interview.

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