Jelly Beans: How This Sweet Treat Became An Easter Candy

Jelly beans are a staple during Easter

Easter celebrations feature candy bunnies, eggs, and chicks but jelly beans are also often found this time of the year.

Candy bunnies, eggs, as well as chicks, are connected to this festivity but the bean-shaped candies are somehow worth a wonder in this celebration. Based on the article in Mental Floss, unlike Thanksgiving and Christmas, Easter has no fixed menu.

One of the staple sweets for Easter celebrations is jelly beans. Its history can be traced back to Turkish delight, which is a Middle Eastern gelatin confection that pre-dates the New Testament.

jelly beans

Collagen of animal bones and tendons are the main ingredients in making gelatin which is mainly used for this treat. Among the other treats made from this are JELL-O, gummy bears, and licorice and it depends on the ingredient for their signature texture.

The earliest mention of jelly-shaped candies can be traced back to the late 19th century. At that time, candies were associated more with Christmas than Easter. This became an Easter treat as a way to save money. The reason behind this was simply because the sweet treats are shaped like eggs. Then, it was used as a replacement for real chicken eggs in Easter baskets.

They also come in different colors like dyed Easter eggs. The American Easter traditions easily embraced this sweet treat for the celebration. Jelly Bean’s popularity started in the 20th century and skyrocketed in the 1970s.

It was the Goelitz Candy Company that introduced the first jelly beans infused with flavor in both their candy coating and jelly center. Eventually, the company became playful in trying different unusual flavors like cream soda and root beer. Candies are popular in the US during Easter but other countries have other treats.

Another staple thing during this celebration is the Easter Bunny.

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