Job Interview Tips: What You Need To Say To Hiring Managers

Here are the job interview tips shared by hiring managers

Job Interview Tips – Hiring managers share the things that applicants should say during job interviews that will surely help them.

Based on the article in Reader’s Digest, here are the things that job applicants should say from the beginning until the end of the interview. At the beginning of the interview, start with a small talk.

You can say “It’s so nice to meet you! I’ve really been looking forward to this interview. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Be sure to be upbeat and clean. If you are asked why you decided to apply, you can directly say that you have a background on the job. This time, you can cite your career experience and how that led you to apply for this position.

job interview tips

There are times when a hiring manager asks you what excites you to apply for the position, and you should be ready to cite an answer about what you admire about the company.

Of course, the classic demand from the hiring manager to say something about yourself will always be there. This is a standard breaker during job interviews. You should prepare an impressive answer to this and be sure to make it relatable like mentioning food, travel, hobbies, and pets. Don’t read your resume when you are asked to say something about yourself.

In the same question, you can cite a personal interest like your love for a certain thing that you can relate to the company and to the position you are aiming for.

In the middle of the interview, do not criticize your previous employer and focus on your interest in the job. Always be aware that there is a fine line between underselling and exaggerating your skill set. Just emphasize what you know and be honest about what you don’t know.

At some point, hiring managers would ask open-ended questions like “Do you do well with change?” Don’t just answer “yes” or “no”. You can also ask the interviewer, “Did I answer your question?” It means that you are aware of what is happening during the interview.

There are also interviewers who love to talk about their companies and would ask you about how you would see yourself in the company in the future. This is the reason why companies put out their mission and vision. You can mention this back to the hiring manager.

Toward the end of the interview, this is your time to ask some questions and make clarifications. Then, do the ending pleasantries like “I really enjoyed speaking with you.” At times, the interviewer will say what you can expect after the interview. You should end with a positive note like, “I’d love to learn more about working for this company and how I can contribute.”

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