Male Personality Types Explained: Their Inner Archetype

Here are the different male personality types you might want to know.

MALE PERSONALITY TYPES – These are the various types of personalities and let’s dig in further on what they are and their traits.

The concept of alpha males come from the study of animals in captivity and broadly used in terms of collective are the wolf packs and chimpanzee hierarchy. This study showed that those alpha male principles can also be applied to human male characteristics. For example, power is seen in successful men which was also seen in pack leaders and dominant males in animal groups.

The 7 types:

  1. Alpha male
    They like to be in charge in a group setting. They are those who are in management positions, executives, high ranking military careers, and politicians. They are on the top of social hierarchies as that is the place they want to be.
  2. Sigma male
    They are clever and cunning that they often get what they want in life by playing outside the system. They are good in persuading and thinking outside the box is their kind of game. Their difference from the alphas is that they don’t mind what others are thinking about them. He has no interest in placing himself on the top.
  3. Zeta male
    It is he who is an independent thinker, true to himself, and not changing for the society. He knows himself on a deeper level, not trying to fit it, not distracted by the words from other people, and want to live life on his own rules.
  4. Beta male
    The males who are friendly and respect others. They have this great social skills and admired by others for their laidback approach in life. They are loyal, a great friend to have, has a high social intelligence, and a great family man as they can make their wife and children their top priority.
  5. Gamma male
    He who is adventurous and has an interesting personality. He pursues fulfillment in life and he loves going on trips, travelling to exotic places, moving around a lot, and trying many different lifestyles. He wants to live life to the fullest. He seeks to be loved by all.
  6. Omega male
    They are those who are secure of themselves and not into popular contests. They have a lot of friends but their confidence is from within. They don’t have much social awareness. Some omegas fit the nerd archetype who love reading, building models, coding, and technology.
  7. Delta male
    They are reserved, quiet, self-reflective, and they are those who move  up, down, or out of the social hierarchy. They take pride in their skills and competence but doesn’t want to lead and, at the same time, they don’t want to please the alpha male.

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