Oldest Living Trees In The World

Here are the Oldest Living Trees

Oldest Living Trees – There are trees that have been around for hundreds and even thousands of years already and have witnessed the changes around them.

Methuselah – It is the oldest tree until 2013. When it was examined in 1957, it was found that it was already 4,789 years old with an estimated seeding date of 2833 BC. In 2024, it is already 4,856 years old, based on the article in Treehugger.

Sarv-e Abarqu – It is a cypress tree standing in Yazd province, Iran. 4,000 years old is the estimated age of this tree.

Llangernyw Yew – This can be found in a small churchyard of St. Dygain’s Church in Llangernyw village, North Wales, United Kingdom, and is about 4,000 years old.

Alerce – The oldest known living Alerce or Fitzroya cupressoides is at least 3,000 years old. It is possible, but not confirmed that this is even older than Methusela.

oldest living trees

Patriarca da Floresta – The one in Brazil is estimated to be over 2,000 years old.

The Senator – It is the largest bald cypress tree in the U.S. and it is located in Florida. The tree was widely considered the oldest of its species known to exist. The ones located near the Mississippi River are estimated to have been around 3,500 years old.

Olive Tree of Vouves –  It is located on the Greek island of Crete. This tree is believed to be at least 2,000 to 3,000 years old.

Jōmon Sugi – It is the oldest and largest cryptomeria tree in Yakushima, Japan. The island was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Chestnut Tree of One Hundred Horses – It is located on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy is the largest and oldest known chestnut tree in the world and it is believed to be 2,000 and 4,000 years old.

General Sherman – It is the mightiest giant sequoia still standing and it is believed to be around 2,500 years old.


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