Online Teaching Jobs – What Are The Skills and Responsibilities?

Are you looking for online teaching jobs? Here are some of the things you should know first.

ONLINE TEACHING JOBS – Teaching online is convenient for the mentor and the student and in order to become one, here are some things to know first.

We were used to the typical face-to-face classroom until the pandemic brought so many changes in many fields. But even before the pandemic happened, online teaching was already a thing and many were actually earning fairly good from this type of online job.

Just like the typical face-to-face setup, both the teacher and student are present at the same time and in the same place and the only difference is that in an online class, teaching happens online. This makes the whole process more convenient to both parties as they get to skip certain things like commuting in going to and fro while the communication and teaching remain intact.

What are your responsibilities as an online teacher?

  • Creating and presenting lessons aligned with the educational needs of the student.
  • Encouraging participation to ensure that there is learning.
  • Establish a close relationship with the student to make sure that he or she tells you about any difficulties that impede progress.
  • Monitoring and reporting on students’ progress.
  • Respecting cultural differences.
  • Respond to the comments and questions of the student.
  • Assessing the performance of the student.
  • Track the attendance and maintain the records of the progress and grades of the student.

What are the skills you need to have?

  • Well-organized
  • Self-motivated
  • Creative
  • Adaptable
  • Patient
  • Optimistic
  • Tech-savvy
  • An excellent communicator

Being a teacher online is just one of the many work from home jobs that pay well. Working from home is definitely the trend now as it offers a lot of benefits such as convenience and allowing the worker to have a work-life balance.

Most Popular Online Jobs in the Philippines are the following:

  • Copywriter
  • Content Writer
  • Blogger 
  • Proofreader or Editor
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Graphic Designer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Web Developer
  • Online Researcher
  • Bookkeepers
  • Transcribers 
  • Translators 

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