Research Explains How Often Should We Change Bed Sheets & Pillowcases

BEDDINGS – How often should we change our bed sheets and pillowcases? According to studies and research.

When it comes to creating a cozy and inviting sleeping environment, we often focus on finding the perfect mattress and plush pillows. While these stuff is undoubtedly important, we must not overlook bed sheets and pillowcases.

Bed sheets and pillowcases serve as a barrier between you and your mattress and pillows, helping to protect them from sweat, body oils, dead skin cells, and dust mites. Common materials for bed sheets include cotton, linen, silk, and microfiber, each offering unique characteristics.


‘Yung mga dead skin cells na naiwan natin ay puwedeng kainin ng mga dust mites at sila ay mag proliferate. Ito ay malaking problema kasi itong mga dust mites na ito ay napatunayan na possibleng mag trigger ng asthma attacks or allergic reactions,” said microbiologist Jun Barnes.

Over time, these linens accumulate dirt and allergens, which can impact your sleep quality and hygiene. To maintain a healthy sleeping environment, it’s important to follow a routine for changing your beddings.

Here are some guides on how often should you change your beddings:

If you shower before bedtime and wear clean pajamas, your sheets and pillowcases may remain clean longer. However, if you go to bed without showering after a sweaty workout or a hot summer day, you may want to change them more frequently.


If you have allergies, changing your bed sheets and pillowcases regularly can help reduce exposure to allergens like dust mites, and pollen. Allergy sufferers may benefit from changing their linens at least once a week.

Individuals with skin conditions like acne may want to change their bedding more often, as they can collect oils and bacteria that may cause skin issues.

“Wala naman talagang set na guidelines pagdating sa kung gaano kadalas palitan ‘yung mga punda or kobre-kama na ginagamit natin. May mga articles na nagsasabi na mainam na palitan ‘yung mga kobre-kama once a week. Pagdating sa mga punda mas madala dapat itong pinapalitan. May mga nagmumungkahi na palitan ito every two to three days.” Barnes added.

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