Stop Bragging About These Things

Stop Bragging about these things in your life

Stop Bragging – These are the things that you should not brag about in your life to other people, and now on social media.

Your job

It does not mean that you don’t feel proud of the job that brings food to your table but you don’t need to brag about it also. Most people are not interested in your job or how awesome you are at work, based on the article in Reader’s Digest.

stop bragging
Dr. Gail Gross

Your vices

For some, the amount of booze they consume in one setting deserves a high-five, thumbs up, or loads of praise from colleagues and friends. However, before doing this, make sure you don’t have a debt under your name.

Ostentatious autos

Flexing your wheels may not be a good idea. A perception surfaced that sports cars owners might have been covering their “disappointing” feature with their flashy vehicles.

Your travels

Going to picturesque places is a privilege that not everyone can afford. However, there is a certain point that it becomes bragging when share photos from the recent country you visited.

Your significant other

Surely, there is nothing wrong in talking about the love of your life or posting something about her or him. However, don’t get to the point that you tell every anecdote about him most of the time.

Humble brags

This idea was magnified on social media, especially on Twitter, now called X by Elon Musk. The false humility is like having this tweet, “My BFF @MerylStreep just made fun of the fact that I only won THREE Oscars. LOL! FML!”

Kids, grandkids, or pets

Again, this comes to a certain point. Most people dislike it when you post something about someone related to you DNA.

You finished Moby Dick or certain books

Don’t brag to others that you finish a lot of novels by famous authors, unless you are a member of a book club.

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