Taco History: How This Mexican Food Gained Worldwide Popularity

Know more about the Taco History

Taco History – Taco is from a mix of ancient Mexican recipes and innovations made by international influences.

This has been a comfort food for many people, being served at parties and gatherings, and in some instances, just for fun and enjoyment. Based on the article in Twisted Taco, the tacos that originated from Mexico looked a lot different from the ones that became popular in the States.

It is believed that this food originated in Mexico long before the Spaniards came. Mexicans used freshly made, soft, flat corn tortillas and a variation of fillings like fish and cooked organs.

taco history

It was a staple food for Mexicans which provided vital nutrients and energy. Nowadays, among the common ingredients in fillings are cheese, lettuce, sour cream, and tomato. These ingredients were not used in the past.

Why “taco”? This term is pretty new. The name was from Mexican silver miners in the 18th century. They would insert gunpowder wrapped in paper like a “taquito” into rocks before detonation.

Taco was known as the food of the working class, including miners. Eventually, their street food was called “tacos de minero“, also known as “miner’s tacos”. Back then, the tortilla wasn’t a hard U-shaped shell that is common nowadays. The taco at that time was a corn tortilla with a spicy filling.

As time went by, this food reached America. It was first introduced in the United States in 1905 by Mexican migrants who worked on railroads and other jobs. At that time, taco was basically a street food because they were easily available and cheap.

Americans were introduced to Mexican foods, including tacos through the Mexican food carts in Los Angeles that were run by women called “chili queens”.

The fusion of American and Mexican cultures created a new version of taco. Ingredients from America were added like ground beef and chicken, cheddar cheese, cool lettuce, and tomato. Nowadays, tacos have gained worldwide popularity.

Another popular food from Mexico is Nachos.

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