Toxic Positivity – What Is This and How To Identify This

What is toxic positivity and some sample situations?

TOXIC POSITIVITY – It’s not always helpful to look on the bright side and here are some ways on how to manage this may it be in you or in other people.


This is a concept in which people believe that a positive mindset or outlook must be maintained no matter how difficult a situation is. There are benefits we can get from “positive thinking”, however, too much “positivity” becomes toxic when it starts to reject the other emotions.

In reality, life is not always positive and it is perfectly normal to suffer and to feel negative emotions. It must be felt and needs to be dealt with openly and honestly. The first step into moving forward is recognizing the reality that you feel pain. This is one way to achieve acceptance.


Situation: A family member disrespect another.
“He/she is a family. You should love her no matter what.”

Situation: Feeling tired and stress due to work.
“You’re lucky to even have a job.”

Situation: Suffering from a hard and bad day.
“There’s so much to be grateful for.”

Situation: Losing a job.
“It’s okay. Just stay positive.”

Situation: Feeling sad or disappointed.
“Don’t be. Happiness is a choice.”

The scenarios above are dismissing the real feelings and emotions often invalidating what must be felt in those kind of situations. Understandably, the responses were made with well and good intentions. In other cases, these were made out of having nothing to say to offer comfort, or they don’t know how to be empathetic. However, this positivity can be harmful. It can prevent people from processing their emotions and in overcoming their distress.

This causes shaming, feeling of guilt, avoids authentic human emotion, and prevents growth. Nothing good that comes out from avoiding, suppressing, or rejecting negative emotions or experiences. Suppressing emotions will only lead to failure of solving the problem.

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