Transcription Jobs – Skills Needed and How To Develop Them

If you like typing, transcription jobs might be great for you!

TRANSCRIPTION JOBS – If you like typing and are a fast one at this, you might like a career as a transcriber, and here are the skills you will need.

A transcriber is a professional who makes a written copy of a video or audio content. The main job is to convert recorded or live human speech into text. When transcribing, rules in grammar and standards in the industry should also be followed.

The following responsibilities are performed:

  • Listen to audio files or live events and turn them into text.
  • Edit and proofread.
  • Altering some texts for clarity.
  • Fact check to make sure that the information put is correct.
  • Let the clients check before releasing the final product.
  • Maintaining patient or data confidentiality.

A transcriber may work as a court reporter, legal transcriptionist, general transcriber, corporate transcriber, and captioner. This is just one of the many work from home jobs that pay well.

What are the skills needed?

  1. Good listening ability.
    As a transcriber, you must have active listening skills to accurately put into text the words heard in a video or audio.
  2. Written communication.
    This skill must also include customizing your writing style based on the needs of the client and the type of document you’re creating.
  3. Self-direction.
    This is a must as this job has little supervision. This may also help in developing other skills such as time management and task prioritization.
  4. Verbal communication.
    This job may require you to talk to clients over video chat or phone. This may also be a great tool in terms of making negotiations.
  5. Typing skills.
    As a transcriber, you are required to document all the words which is why typing fast with accuracy is a must.
  6. Computer skills.
    Being knowledgeable of computer functions and the use of technology is needed to perform tasks.
  7. Editing and proofreading.
    This is essential in order to identify errors and correct them. You must have a wide vocabulary, strong comprehension, and communication. This is needed to create a document with accuracy in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Working at home is the new normal. It is convenient and provides a lot of benefits such as increased productivity, improved work-life balance, less time in commuting, and an employee will be able to save money.

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