Types Of Introvert – A Brief Description Of Each

Apparently, there are four types of introvert personality. Check below!

We all thought of this particular personality as being shy or timid, but there are actually four types of introvert personality.

When we describe someone as an introvert, the words we often use is shy and quiet or timid. However, in reality, being an introvert comes in various types. This personality has four types and it does not just fit a certain archetype of being quiet, self-reliant, and reserved.

Signs of being an introvert

  • being with people is energy-draining
  • they enjoy solitude
  • they have a small group of friends
  • hectic activities or environment leaves them unfocused or overwhelmed
  • they are very self-aware
  • like to learn by watching
  • they love jobs that involve independence

The 4 types

  1. Social 
    This may sound like an oxymoron but this is real. They are the ones who would always desire for spending time alone but, at the same time, they don’t necessarily hate big crowds or social gatherings. Being in a large group, however, can easily drain them. As a person, they don’t have the tendency to respond in an aggressive way but they are the ones who would create a thoughtful response. They prefer meaningful conversation rather than a small talk.
  2. Anxious 
    This is the type that feels uneasy and self-conscious in social situations. As much as possible, they avoid social interactions as they fear making mistakes, being embarrassed, or being judged. You are an anxious introvert if:
    • you’re feeling nervous around other people
    • ruminate past social interactions
    • feels worried over upcoming social events
    • feeling highly self-conscious
    • finds it difficult to start a conversation or even just a small talk
    • overthinking conversations and social scenarios
  3. Thinking 
    They are the introspective and creative. They are highly imaginative and are also called as “dreamers”. They spend a lot of time daydreaming and often lost in their own creative thoughts. Some of their special strengths are love for analysis, highly logical, independent thinking, can resolve problems on their own, trust with their own judgment, paying attention to details, and spotting the details others often miss.
  4. Restrained 
    They are also known as the inhibited introverts. They have high levels of behavioral inhibition. It takes a lot of time for them to warm up with new people and they tend to hold themselves back in social situations. They are restrained in a way that they are cautious in decision-making, thinking before speaking or acting, always prefer the routine and predictable schedule, not spontaneous, they love planning ahead, always give deliberate responses, enjoy inner reflection, paying attention to details, and need lots of time being alone.

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