What Is Your Dream Job – How To Answer This Interview Question

How to answer What Is Your Dream Job question asked by an interviewer.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB is often asked in an interview set-up and here are some tips on how to handle and answer this.

Describe Your Dream Job

This is one of the common interview questions and what you need when asked with this tricky question is a snappy answer. This question and the others are asked for some reasons such as what you want from the position and how well you may fit in their company.

When asked about your dream job is something personal but the goal is to answer with honesty and help the interviewer determine your skills and capacity and if your dream and career will align to what they offer. You can’t just answer specifically such as wanting to become a photographer. What you can say, instead is you would want to practice your creativity.

Always remember that you are not talking to a friend where you can just say anything unfiltered. This is a job interview and what you need to do to be accepted is to “sell” yourself by your skillset. Make the company need you with your experience, skills, and knowledge.

How to answer this

  1. Focus your answer on your skills, abilities, and knowledge you may gain in your career.
  2. Align your career desires to the offers of the hiring company.
  3. Talk about what motivates you and relate to the company’s approach.
  4. Consider the company’s mission, and values then discuss how are these related with your dream job.

Here are some sample answer from Career Sidekick

“My dream job would be a combination of creating products that are making a difference in the world and getting a chance to share them with as many people as possible. I was excited about this position because I read that millions of people use your company’s products each day and it seems like the work you’re doing is having a big impact in the world.”

“My dream job would be leading a team that’s creating cutting-edge technologies that are used by millions. I read on your job description that this Supervisor role has a chance to grow into a Manager in the next 1-2 years, and it seems like the apps your company is building are having a big impact on the business world already, so I knew I should apply!”

“I would describe my dream job as a mix of my last two positions. In my last role, I had the chance to lead a couple of challenging projects and coordinate across multiple teams, but I didn’t get to do as much hands-on work as I would have liked. In my prior role, I was doing the type of hands-on work that I enjoy most: product design and development. However, at that point in my career, I wasn’t doing any leadership tasks. I’m looking for a chance to combine those two areas now and I was excited to see this type of mix mentioned on the job description, which is one reason I applied for the position here.”

If you want some more, here are some dos and don’ts in an interview you must remember to help you get that job.

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