Why Did You Apply For This Job? (How To Answer This)

How do you answer the “Why Did You Apply For This Job?” interview question?

Here are some tips to answer the “Why Did You Apply For This Job?” to ace that interview and some tips that would be useful to you as an applicant.

Why Did You Apply For This Job?

One of the most common interview questions is this. It seems pretty easy to answer this but considering a lot of things to say, how can you compress these? What should be included in your answer? How can you ace this question and make it as striking as possible for the interviewer to see the potential in you?

Why do interviewers ask this?

This question is asked by the hiring manager to determine how much you know about the company you are applying in and if this role aligns with your career plans. They would want to know if you can add value to their team and if you are that person who wants to grow and progress with the company. In answering this, there are some interview tips that can help but how can you prepare for this particular question?

Now, what must you consider in answering?

  • Study the values and mission of the company and incorporate your answer to something you are passionate about
  • Include your knowledge if you have about this specific industry and add the specific examples and situation you have been through which can be helpful to the company in achieving its goals.
  • Talk about your achievements or recent challenges you have encountered and how you solved them that is related to the job.

In conclusion, your answer must include your passion for the product, service, or mission of the company, why you want to take the responsibilities, and how your background can help you succeed in this role.

This type of question could be in other forms such as:

  • Why are you interested in this company?
  • What about this job caught your eye?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What made you want to apply for this role?
  • How did you hear about this opening?
  • Why did you apply for this position?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What attracted you to this position?
  • Why do you think this role is a good fit for you?
  • What aspects of this job align with your career goals?
  • How does this position fit into your career path?
  • What motivates you to join our team?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What do you hope to achieve in this role?
  • How does this role align with your professional interests?
  • What makes you think you would be successful in this position?
  • How does this job align with your long-term career plans?
  • What about our company’s mission resonates with you?
  • Why do you believe you would be a good fit for our company?
  • What interests you most about our company?
  • How did you come across this job opportunity?
  • What do you find appealing about this role?
  • Why do you think you would enjoy working in this role?
  • What makes our company stand out to you?
  • What aspects of our company’s culture appeal to you?
  • Why do you see yourself as a good fit for this role?
  • How does this role align with your skill set and experiences?
  • What excites you about this job opportunity?


from Career Sidekick

from The Forage

If you want some more, here are some dos and don’ts in an interview you must remember to help you get that job.

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