YEMA: Facts About This Sweet Filipino Candy

YEMA CANDY – Here are some facts about this sweet Filipino treat that most of us probably didn’t know.

Yema is a delicious and famous treat from the Philippines that brings joy to many people’s taste buds. It’s loved for its creamy texture and sugary sweetness, making it a favorite treat for kids and adults alike.

The name “yema” comes from the Spanish word for egg yolk, which is a key ingredient in making it.


To create this delicious treat, mix condensed milk with egg yolks and sometimes butter. Then, cook this mixture until it becomes thick and creamy. After that, you shape it into small balls and roll them in sugar to make them extra sweet.

Some people like to add flavors like vanilla or pandan to make it taste even better. Others mix in crushed nuts or coconut to give it a fun texture.

Back in the days of Spanish colonization, egg yolks were often used in various desserts and pastries. It is believed that this candy was inspired by Spanish sweets like flan and custard, which also use egg yolks as a primary ingredient.


One popular theory suggests that yema was originally created as a way to utilize leftover egg yolks from the process of making pastillas de leche, another Filipino sweet delicacy. Rather than letting these precious yolks go to waste, resourceful cooks found a way to turn them into a delightful treat that soon became a favorite among locals.

Today, we can find this delicious treat in many places across the Philippines. It’s sold in markets, bakeries, and even by street vendors. Whether you’re at home or out and about, you can always find this yummy treat to satisfy your sweet cravings.

This candy isn’t just about the delicious taste but it also about the memories it brings. Many people remember making yema with their families or buying it as a special treat after school.

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